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Looking for a mileage-turn in the mediterranean.

Mitsegeln gesucht im Revier Weltweit, mögliche Termine in den Monaten:

Mitsegeln und Kojencharter: Looking for a mileage-turn in the mediterranean. Bild 1

My gilrfriend and I are looking for a sailboat, curently somewhere at Cote d`Azur, that is willing to take 2 crewmembers on board.

I`m currently learning how to sail and my girlfriend is quite experienced (crossed the Atlantic 2 years ago, more than 5000 nm).

We both passed the theoretical examn of the Swiss Certificate of Competence for Ocean Yachting two month ago and are looking for a boat, that wants to take us sailing a couple of miles.

We haven't got a big budget, but we're willing to cook, clean, sail etc. as a consideration.

We're happy to be hearing from you! :-)

Eintrag #104723, gültig bis 24.07.2025 (veröffentlicht am 24.07.2024)

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